Visionary Keynote
FKH: Futurist Keynote with Gerd Leonhard: The Future of the Internet: Big Data, Big Brother, Big Tech, Big Telco and Big Gov - or not?
Thursday, 21 November 2013, 10:45 - 12:00, Jupiter 11+12+13
Technology is progressing exponentially, and what sounded like science fiction only three years ago is now becoming a reality: Google Glass, self-driving cars, predictive search and anticipatory services, ultra-smart electronic agents and voice / gesture controlled devices, digital classrooms and affordable telepresence.
Connectivity is becoming like water, even a civil right for some people, and ultra-smart mobile devices are like the next cigarettes: low-cost, omni-present, hyper-social and ultra-addictive. Data is indeed becoming the new currency of the global economy, and everyone seems to be scrambling to become the next Exxon-Mobil of data. Whoever controls the digital oil-fields, the pumps, the pipelines, the refineries and the filling stations, is bound to become even more powerful than the oil companies. 'Datawars' are becoming almost more frequent than real wars (see the recent NSA revelations), and yet the rapidly dawning Internet of Things and the rise of machine-to-machine networks will magnify even further every challenge we have encountered until now - as with increasing power comes increasing responsibility.
Add the rapid developments in neuroscience, human-machine interfaces, artificial intelligence, robots and nano-technology, and we are looking at the most amazing commercial opportunities as well as some quite vexing ethical challenges in the next seven years and beyond.
Gerd will share his insights and key foresights on the future of the Internet, telecommunications and telemedia, data, privacy and technology, depicting the most crucial scenarios that are likely to await us in the immediate future, globally. In addition, he will suggest some 'wild-cards' that we may need to play to make sure that this new digital ecosystem still puts human benefits first.
Keynote Speaker
Mr Gerd Leonhard, Futurist and CEO, The Futures Agency, Switzerland